Laird Mr Cobbs Leatherware

Mr Cobbs has a large assortment of handmade Products Produced by Laird Leatherware
Laird Leatherware had Manufactured Quality Saddlery since 1946
Sadly after 70 years Laird Leatherware have closed their doors and the remaining goods were auctioned

Mr. Cobbs has been purchasing items from Laird Leatherware for resale for years, as the quality was exceptional

Unfortunately some of the goods and services that were offered by Laird Leatherware will no longer be available
Laird now at Mr Cobbs will continue to try and handmake and supply some of the saddlery items as we still have access to one or two of their ex-employees

We have many leather items for horses, what we do not have we can try and manufacture bearing in mind that there will be a delay while the manufacturing takes place before delivery.
The quality of the old fashion way of hand sewing and hand making tack, we really hope to continue in the same tradition as Laird were known for

Please direct all queries of stock availability using the form supplied here


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